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Showing posts from February, 2022

My Implant & Explant Story by Glenda L. Krupnick

When we're young, some of us are all about aesthetics for the wrong reasons. In my early 20s, I sought a quick, surgical way of attaining breast enhancement that was popular at the time. I tried to address an  emotional behavior with a physical fix to look good.  I thought I had a good reason because after giving birth to my one and only daughter, my breasts immediately went south; so I chose to fill in the gaps by implanting saline-filled silicone bags in those spaces. A much better solution would've been to learn to love myself in the natural, albeit imperfect, beauty I was uniquely given. After the implants, although I felt confident and thought I looked great , my body didn't seem to feel good about them. Because I have very high pain tolerance, I ignored many of my symptoms after the implants. One of them that never went away but returned on and off throughout the years was a sharp pain just between my underarm and chest. It was always very uncomfortable to sleep beca