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¡Reclamando lo que es tuyo por derecho! por Glenda L. Krupnick

Al comenzar este nuevo año, quería compartir una historia personal que creo resonará en muchos de ustedes. Llamémoslo una historia de redención, fe y el poder de reclamar lo que es tuyo por derecho. Hace unos años, compré un nombre para mi sitio web , emocionada para compartir con el mundo la historia de redención de Dios en mi vida. Originalmente me había unido a para poder compartir blogs con la visión de que algún día Brett y yo tendríamos una plataforma adecuada. A medida que pasó el tiempo y mi visión comenzó a desarrollarse, llegó el momento tan esperado en el que necesitaba explorar otras plataformas y actualizar el sitio web. Deseosa de reducir costos, intenté construirla por mi cuenta. Busqué dos opciones gratuitas diferentes porque éramos muy nuevos, solo para encontrarlo frustrantemente complicado. Llegué a un punto en el que tuve que dejarme llevar y confiar en que la persona adecuada, que esperaba fuera Brett, o los recursos necesarios llegarían a mi camino. S
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Reclaiming What's Rightfully Yours! by Glenda L Krupnick

As we step into this new year, I wanted to share a personal story that I believe will resonate with many of you. Let's call it a story of redemption, faith, and the power of reclaiming what is rightfully yours. M onths passed, and I began searching for ways to make extra money from home to be able to fund this project which to me has been like the baby Hannah prayed for that she just couldn't let go . Hannah's story is found in 1 Samuel 1. Hannah had everything any woman could ever ask for except a son.  I have everything any woman could ever ask for, but I needed a purpose.  I have experienced purpose filled seasons, but this one project would allow me to share God's goodness in my life with the world and influence others for purpose to live with faith filled intention but I digress to the story.  We want to encourage you to let that be the beginning or recommitment of your life with Jesus. Don't give what is yours, or His I should say, your purpose to whoever or w

If you feel like you're in a tunel or walls are closing in on you, this revelation is for you!

I recently had to get a pair of MRI scans done. If you’ve ever gotten an MRI, you know that most of these machines are like a tiny tunnel. You have to keep your arms down by your sides and cannot lift them up to your face because of how small the space is.    I’ve had them done before, and although I’m not usually claustrophobic, these machines can make anyone feel that way.     When I had to do an MRI the first time, it seemed like it would be better to close my eyes before I went into the tunnel and to keep my eyes closed until it was all done. I thought, if I open my eyes, I might become anxious and need to request to be taken out causing an incomplete scan. This would require having to reschedule at another time and go through the whole process again, so I’ve kept my eyes closed each time I’ve had to get one.   This time, while the doctor was getting me ready to insert me into the tunnel, I decided again to close my eyes, when I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to ask the Lord to giv

Si te sientes que estas en un tunel sin salida, esta revelacion es para ti!

Recientemente tuve que hacerme una resonancia magnética (o MRI en Ingles) en dos partes diferentes del cuerpo. Si alguna vez se han hecho una resonancia magnética, sabrán que la mayoría de estas máquinas son como un pequeño túnel. Tienes que mantener los brazos a tus lados y no puedes levantarlos hasta la cara por lo pequeño que es el espacio.   Yo ya me habia hecho un varias resonancias magnéticas antes y, aunque normalmente no soy claustrofóbica, estas máquinas pueden hacer que cualquiera se sienta así.     Pero como ya lo he hecho y no se porque pero desde la primera vez capte que seria mejor cerrar los ojos antes de que me introdujeran a este túnel y que los mantendria cerrados hasta que esté todo hecho porque pensé, si abro los ojos, podría sentirme ansiosa y necesitar que me retiren con un escaneo incompleto para tener que volver a intentarlo en otro momento, entonces lo he hecho en cada uno que he recibido.   Esta vez, mientras el médico me preparaba para insertarme en este túne

Why I quit drinking... again! By: Glenda L. Krupnick

Before I share why I quit drinking again, I should tell you why I quit drinking the first time. In fact, I’ll start with why I started drinking in the first place. Let me start by saying that this is not meant to judge anyone who drinks. God has impressed heavily upon my heart to share this story of my life because the reasons why I quit may give someone struggling with any addiction the push they need to fulfill their purpose that is God’s intention for their life.   I began drinking when I was 16 years old.  Although my father did struggle with alcohol, I can’t blame my father because he is not responsible for me picking up my first drink.  As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t have condone it because of my age plus I hid it from him and my mom until I was of age to do so.      Growing up around my peers, drinking seemed to be a very normal thing to do.  There was a big emphasis on alcohol, drinking excessively and getting drunk was acceptable, common and looked as the fun thing to do.