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Defeat is one of the subjects that many people don’t like to talk about unless they've achieved success or some sense of satisfaction after experiencing it.  We know people feel defeated at times but seldom hear practical ways to overcome it.  We often hear "failure is not an option"...  (I remember saying this to myself recently)  or "Do it right the first time" . But what happens when you  experience defeat? We have personal relationship failures, and the principles of how we have personally handle defeat could apply to any failure.  However, I would like to focus on the area of defeat in our professional lives.   My husband was a successful business owner from the age 23.  However, after  10 years in an unstable partnership, he decided to get out.   He was semi-retired for 5 years expecting a large sum of money that would have set us up for decades. When the time came, the contract went unfulfilled due to the real estate market crash, and a 7-figure


"The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out."  Proverbs 20:5  . Have you wondered what the meaning of life is?  "Why are we here? And what your purpose is?  I have! Although we sometimes question it, we all want to believe we have a purpose.  It's a scary and powerful responsibility.  . When I think about purpose, it seems we often make it more complicated than it needs to be.  Some people know from the time they're young what their talent is and what their gifts are.  These people tend to grow up with a sense of  purpose .   But, what happens if we aren't able to pinpoint a specific gift or talent you have?    Does that mean we have no  purpose ?  . P urpose  is defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists;  a person's sense of resolve or determination.  Even if we may not realize our larger purpose,  living each day purposefully is everyone's purpose.