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Have you ever been on a Guilt Trip?

Have you ever been on a Guilt Trip?
Of all the trips to send someone on, avoid sending them on a guilt trip.
A guilt trip is something you say with the intent to make someone feel guilty,
especially to make them speak or act in a way they don't want to.

Encouraging your desires through guilt on someone who doesn't want to do something would cause them to speak or act reluctantly. The Bible is clear about times when you shouldn't act out of reluctance; see 2 Corinthians 9:7. Even though these verses refer to money, the principle can apply.  

I was guilty of sending people on guilt trips more often than I'd like to admit. It's something I must regularly remind myself not to do when my expectations aren't met. 

Remember the last time someone sent you on a guilt trip?

I've been sent on several of them and never want to send anyone on one again because of how I felt. 

What happens when someone sends you on a guilt trip? And what do you do? 
I used to get anxious, flustered, irritated, hostile, and enraged, and I realized those emotions weren't healthy for me. I was freely and willingly taking the guilt trips I was offered that I didn't want to go on.
I've had to learn to create boundaries to keep me from jumping on board of guilt trip offers that come my way. As much as I can help it, I want to avoid being influenced to reluctantly do or say something I don't want or need to. 
Have you reluctantly traveled on guilt and experienced similar emotions that I have?

If you have, it's time for you to build some boundaries. 

If you're guilty of offering such trips,
I want to encourage you to let go and let God. 

As the light that He is, pray for them and then trust the Lord to show the person the way they should go, or should have gone, so they can make it right from then on.

However, there are cases in which I have felt I needed to say something.

In such cases, I pray for guidance and wisdom to say it in a way I may want to hear myself, and I want to inspire others, not manipulate them.

Either way, finding the right time to say it is a must, otherwise it's best not to say anything.

So, when might be the right time to say something difficult?
I certainly don't think it's before a busy day, and I don't think it's before school or an event. It's not before church if you can help it at all! Go to church first because this can help you speak or act, that's for sure! 

Whatever day or time you choose, be considerate of when the other person is receiving it, but no matter what, praying is a must! Time can help heal wounds, and prayer can help the words said and the actions taken. Jesus said the flesh gives birth to flesh, and Spirit gives birth to the spirit in us in John 3:6. 
The flesh can be likened to man's sinful nature, such as selfishness. The Spirit can be compared to God-given nature, such as generosity, kindness, and forgiveness. 

When we are quick to speak, it'll quickly induce anger. Therefore being slow to speak not only can help keep your anger in check, but it can also help others as well.

My advice would be to check on them and then ask if it's okay to share some thoughts and when might be a good time for them.  
In this way, the person has time to prepare their heart to hear 
and receive what might be said. 

Mental Health Advice From An Overcomer! 
Have a blessed day! 

by Glenda Lee Krupnick



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