Sonship & Stewardship Series
Sons & Daughters serve even when it’s not easy. 😥
Some seasons of serving are harder than others. 🥵
Would you clean someone’s feet with your hair? 🤔
Mary did so Jesus’ feet with a bottle of perfume worth a year’s wages! 😳
How willing is your heart to serve? How extravagant? How unrestricted? 🤐
Lord, check our hearts,
help us to be willing to serve extravagantly, unrestricted,
not disregarding our time with you but prioritizing our time with you.
In your name, we pray, Amen.! 🙏🏽
We serve from His presence! In our humility to Him, we are directed and equipped to do His good works. 🙌🏽
Jesus is the ultimate example of serving directly from the presence of the Father. 😇
To watch the full-service click on the link in Bio and the full series along with other great teachings at:
You Tube Channel. 💒
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