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Showing posts from 2022

9 Deadly Threats To Your Purpose by Pastor Oliver Lee, Next Level Ministries

Although I am no longer much for New Year’s resolutions,  I am for seasons and changes therein. With new seasons come adjustments.   How can I adjust unless I self reflect? Too many people aren’t for self reflection and let life happen to them… Don’t let that be you! Reflect, adjust, and try again so you can be the person of purpose and significance you’re created to be!  Click the link below for the full message and be blessed!  9 Deadly Threats To Your Purpose by Pastor Oliver Lee  

One Year Explantiversary

                                                                                                                                   One year ago  today   I was freed  f rom a decision (a surgery) that I had made 22 years earlier.  I share a quick update in our YouTube  here .  I was so blessed that God orchestrated my meeting Dr. Dev through a dear friend who I thank God for.     Physically speaking , the last year of my life has been the best year I’ve had and I know the best is yet to come!    I share a quick update in our YouTube channel plus you  can check out the full experience video that I share before that  here        Besides how yucky I was feeling for the longest time ( I had no idea many symptoms could have been attributed to that ),  I did not want to age with those bags on my chest.         This, along with the recent passing of my father-in-law and recent issues with  my elderly clients, has made me think of aging. I  want to do what I can  to influence  the embracement o

Have you ever been on a Guilt Trip?

Have you ever been on a Guilt Trip ? . Of all the trips to send someone on, avoid sending them on a guilt trip. . A guilt trip is something you say with the intent to make someone feel guilty, especially to make them speak or act in a way they don't want to. .  Encouraging your desires through guilt on someone who doesn't want to do something would cause them to speak or act reluctantly. The Bible is clear about times when you shouldn't act out of reluctance; see 2 Corinthians 9:7. Even though these verses refer to money, the principle can apply.   I was guilty of sending people on guilt trips more often than I'd like to admit . It's something I must regularly remind myself not to do when my expectations aren't met.   Remember the last time someone sent you on a guilt trip? I've been sent on several of them and never want to send anyone on one again because of how I felt.  What happens when someone sends you on a guilt trip? And what do you do?  . I used

My Implant & Explant Story by Glenda L. Krupnick

When we're young, some of us are all about aesthetics for the wrong reasons. In my early 20s, I sought a quick, surgical way of attaining breast enhancement that was popular at the time. I tried to address an  emotional behavior with a physical fix to look good.  I thought I had a good reason because after giving birth to my one and only daughter, my breasts immediately went south; so I chose to fill in the gaps by implanting saline-filled silicone bags in those spaces. A much better solution would've been to learn to love myself in the natural, albeit imperfect, beauty I was uniquely given. After the implants, although I felt confident and thought I looked great , my body didn't seem to feel good about them. Because I have very high pain tolerance, I ignored many of my symptoms after the implants. One of them that never went away but returned on and off throughout the years was a sharp pain just between my underarm and chest. It was always very uncomfortable to sleep beca