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One Year Explantiversary


    One year ago today I was freed from a decision (a surgery) that I had made 22 years earlier. I share a quick update in our YouTube hereI was so blessed that God orchestrated my meeting Dr. Dev through a dear friend who I thank God for.  Physically speaking, the last year of my life has been the best year I’ve had and I know the best is yet to come!  I share a quick update in our YouTube channel plus you can check out the full experience video that I share before that here 

    Besides how yucky I was feeling for the longest time (I had no idea many symptoms could have been attributed to that), I did not want to age with those bags on my chest.  

    This, along with the recent passing of my father-in-law and recent issues with my elderly clients, has made me think of aging. I want to do what I can to influence the embracement of aging because if we get there we are more than blessed!

    It has also made me so thankful to those who guided me.  If you or anyone you know might be struggling with the possibility of BII (Breast Implant Illness), feel free to share this. 

To a happy and purposeful living ðŸ¥‚

In Christ, 

Glenda L. Krupnick 
IG: @influenceforpurpose


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